Welcome to Foldster’s Projects!
Who I am
My name is Matthew Giallourakis, but I go by Foldster online. I have a Master’s degree in Electrical Robotics and a Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering. My main area of research is computational origami, and I have interests in pretty much everything in the STEM and Art fields.
I work on a lot of projects that I will update this page with.
Where should I get updates from you and contact you?
I am most active on twitter, and I accept DMs. For non-collaborative business offers, please email me.
Where can I support your work?
Right now I’m using ko-fi for commisions and exclusive content.
Contacts and Social Media
Email - foldsters@gmail.com
- Projects: @FoldsterProject
- Personal: @theFoldster
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/foldster
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYPwQ25XxdMwhKeq9rBQJAQ
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thefoldster/